Zoom Charts

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Ambox notice.png The latest version of this mod uses the guidelines for TNG v12+ cust_text.php files. If you are using TNGv12+, and any cust_text.php file in this mod is marked with a Bad Target error, you need to update your cust_text.php files before you can install this mod. [Show instructions]

If you upgraded to TNGv12+, and did not update your cust_text.php files as instructed in the upgrade readme script, then you must use the TNG Mod Manager to update them. To do so:

  1. Go to Mod Manager, and select its "Recommended Updates" tab.
    (If the "Recommended Updates" tab is not visible, then go to the Mod Manager Options tab, select "Display Settings", and turn on the "Recommended Updates" tab.)
  2. Click the "Update" button in the "Recommended Updates" tab.
    Installed mods do not interfere with the update, and if you already have (or think you may have) run this update, it will not hurt for you to run it again.

[See details in the TNGv12 Change Impacts Article][Hide the instructions]

TNG 14.0
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0

Zoom Charts
Summary Enables Zooming TNG Pedigree and Descendant charts.
Mod Updated 08 Oct 2020
Download link zoom_charts_v13.0.0.1b.zip
TNG 13.0
TNG 13.0

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Author(s) Ron Krzmarzick
Homepage Roots & Relatives Remembered
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Purpose of the Mod

Zoom Charts mod enables TNG 13's Pedigree and Descendant charts. to be zoomed in or out, either by button or mouse wheel. Existing TNG functionality such as dragging, pedigree links, and edit links, is retained. Derived from code discovered by Cathrin Jegersberg.

Zoom Charts Buttons is the same mod except that mouse wheel scrolling is retained and only the buttons can be used to zoom in or out.

Operational Note: The zooming works best (straight in and out) if the cursor is positioned over a box before clicking the zoom buttons. Otherwise there may be movement of the chart to the right or left. The Descendant Vertical Chart is the only chart for which this technique does not work and it has excess chart movement with any zooming of larger (more generations) charts.


English, German, Czech, and French.

TNG Modules Impacted

The following TNG files are modified. pedigree.php, descend.php, descendvert.php, verticalchart.php.


  • Unzip the received file directly in your mods folder, usually 'mods', sub directory of your TNG installation or root folder.
  • Use Mod Manager to Install the Mod

Known Mod Conflicts

None at release.

In Event of a Problem

Use Mod Manager to Uninstall the mod.

Visualization of this mod

Illustration of Zoom Chart; Template 19.

Revision History

Version Date Contents
v13.0.0.1b 10 Oct 2020 Added Zoom Charts Buttons which retains mouse wheel scrolling
v13.0.0.1b 08 Oct 2020 Variable translation working for pedigree vertical chart...Thanks, Michel.
v13.0.0.1a 08 Oct 2020 Added %fileoptional for language files German,Czech, defined variable.
v13.0.0.1 08 Oct 2020 Added German and Czech variable translation; removed extraneous character.

Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below:
If you have any problems, private message me on the forum.

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Roots & Relatives Remembered Ron Krzmarzick Mod's Developer v13.0.0.1b v13.0 EN,CS,DE