Home Pages - Multi-Language - TNG V8

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TNG V8 with its Template Settings allows you to create the text for your Home page using the Admin interface within TNG. If you support multiple languages on your web site and want to display your Home page in the language being used by the user, then this capability might allow you to create the text being used for each langauge.

Install TNG Mod required

In order to make this easier to accomplish the Template Settings - Multi-language Mod should be installed on your system. This modification moves the templateconfig.php file from the TNG Install directory or you Config Path location to the languages/folders.

Update Template Settings

After installing the mod,

  1. cut the templateconfig.php file from where your configuration files are stored
  2. paste the templatconfig.php file to your languages/English or languages/English-UTF or which ever is your primary language specified in the Admin >> Setup >> Configuration >> General Settings >> Language
  3. update the variable for the template you are using on your site
  4. save your updates
  5. copy the templateconfig.php file from your languages/English or languages/English-UTF or which ever is your primary language you are using for your site
  6. paste the file in each of the languages/folders that you are using on your site
  7. switch to each of those languages
  8. in Admin >> Setup >> Configuraton >> Template Settings, select the template you are using and update the Template Setting for the text portions that need to be translated

Update Template index.php

You may also need to update the index.php for your template to change other English text that is used to use a $text variable that you define your custom text file (languages/English/cust_text.php or languages/English-UTF8/cust_text.php) and your other languages/folders.