How to install MAMP on a PC

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A guide on how to install the MAMP application on Windows, so that you can run websites locally on your PC.


  • Given that the first 'M' in the title of the software stands for Macintosh, it's a confusing to be installing something called MAMP...but the software cannot be called WAMP as there is already software by that name that performs in a similar way.
  • For the most up-to-date information on how to install MAMP on a PC (and the requirements needed) see this page -
  • There are two versions of MAMP (MAMP and MAMP PRO) that can get installed. This tutorial will ignore MAMP PRO and just use the free version called MAMP

1. Go to the MAMP website -

2. Click on Free Download...

MAMP website - Free download for PC

3. Click the version of MAMP & MAMP PRO (which can get installed together) for Windows...

Download options


  • Depending on how your PC and web browser are set up, the location that this file downloads to on your PC may differ. Unless you have specifically made a change to your browser settings, it will likely download to your Downloads folder.
  • If you have an older PC, you can find previous versions of MAMP on their site ( but the older versions of MAMP come with older versions of PHP and MySQL that may not run TNG properly. If you are on an older PC and need to run newer versions of PHP and MySQL that come with MAMP, then the free version of MAMP is not the approach to use.

4. Double-click on the installer (if your browser hasn't opened it automatically) to begin the install process...

MAMP Installer

5. Windows may ask you to confirm that you want this installer to make changes. Click Yes...

Security prompt

6. MAMP for the PC makes use of the .Net Core Framework. If you don't have this installed on your PC, you are going to need to install it. Click OK when this message appears...

.NET Core framework warning

7. The .NET installer will launch. Click Install...

.NET Installer

8. When the framework has been installed, click Close...

.NET Installer finished

9. The MAMP installer should start. Click Next >...

Install - Click Next

10. Untick the box next to MAMP PRO and it won't be installed (you can just run the free version of MAMP in this example) and click Next >...


11. Accept the license agreement and click Next >...

Accept terms

12. Click Install...

Click Install

The installer should now begin the install process...

Installation in progress

13. When the installation is complete, click Finish...

Installer - Finish

14. Look for the MAMP shortcut that has likely been placed on the desktop on your Windows PC and double-click it...

MAMP shortcut on the desktop

15. Windows is likely going to prompt your twice over two security issues related to running MAMP locally on your PC. For the MySQL alert, click Allow access...

MySQL warning

16. For the Apache HTTP Server alert, click Allow access...

Apache warning

17. When MAMP starts up, click on the MAMP menu and click Preferences...

MAMP preferences

18. Click on PHP and change the version of PHP to version 8 and click OK...

Change the PHP version

19. If you receive a warning about the PHP version, click OK...

PHP warning

20. Your local copy of your TNG website is going to be stored in a folder that MAMP created called the "htdocs" folder. Click on Web server and then click the Open button and OK...

Opening the htdocs folder

21. To save some time in the future, click on the htdocs folder...

htdocs folder

Now right-click on the folder and drag it to the desktop and let go. You should now see an option to create a shortcut for that folder on your desktop, so click Create shortcuts here...

Create shortcut menu option

You now have a shortcut to the MAMP application and a shortcut to the htdocs folder on your desktop.

MAMP and htdocs shortcuts

22. If MAMP isn't running, double-click the shortcut to start it running. When the application launches, click Start Servers...

MAMP - Start Servers

23. When the green light shows next to the words "Apache Server", click Open WebStart page...

MAMP - open WebStart page button

24. Your web browser should start launch at this point and you may find that it prompts you with a security alert. This is fine and you should just click Open...

Firefox warning

And the WebStart page for MAMP on a PC should load. You can tell that you are running a local web server as the web address for the WebStart page will likely include the words "localhost"...

MAMP localhost WebStart page

You're all ready to start using MAMP for Windows! There isn't going to be a specific tutorial on installing TNG using MAMP on a PC, as the process will be exceptionally similar to the experience when using MAMP on a Mac.

Back to MAMP | Next - How to install TNG on your Mac using MAMP