PHP Overrides

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PHP settings

TNG Diagnostic.jpg To view your hosting service PHP settings, go to Admin >> Setup >> then select the Diagnostics tab, and click the link for PHP Info Screen.

If your hosting service has register_globals = on and allow_url_fopen = on, you can override those options and turn them off, by creating a php.ini file and placing the created php.ini file in every directory where php scripts are executed. PHP allow url fopen.jpg PHP register globals.jpg

PHP Override

If TNG is installed in a genealogy subdirectory, then that means you need to put the php.ini override in your root directory, the genealogy subdirectory, and the genealogy/admin subdirectory.

You will need to check with your hosting service as to what other paremeters you need to include for compatibility reasons. The following is an example of the override on ICDSoft.

register_globals = off 
allow_url_fopen = off
post_max_size = 20M 
memory_limit = 200M 
upload_max_filesize = 20M 
max_execution_time = 120 
expose_php = off
session.save_path = /tmp
mysqli.default_socket = /tmp/mysql5.sock

.htaccess overrides

It may be possible to use .htaccess to provide the overrides, if your host is not running phpSuExec. See When to use .htaccess or php.ini files provided by BruceM on user2 list on 25 Feb 2009

PHP Security Expose

PhpSecInfo Test Information determines iif the expose_php setting is enabled. provided by Henny Savenje on user2 list on 25 Feb 2009