Duplicate address error

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Issue found in v11.1. Not known if the recommended fix works on earlier versions.

When editing an address to make it complete, TNG crashed with an error, when I tried to save the record:

"An error has occurred in the TNG software. This could be due to a setup issue, an incomplete upgrade or a program bug. If you are the site owner, you may contact TNG support for help with this problem. Please copy the query below and paste it into your message.

Query: UPDATE tng_places SET place="Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England",placelevel="3",temple="0",latitude="52.0406224",longitude="-0.7594171000000642",zoom="10",notes="",geoignore="0" WHERE ID="2905"

Duplicate entry 'Tree01-Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England' for key 'place' "''

I reported it to Darrin and he came back with this:

"The fix is simple: just change line 43 of admin_updateplace.php from "tng_query" to "tng_query_noerror", like this:

$result = @tng_query_noerror($query);

That fixes it. You now get an elegant in-app error