V9 translation

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$dates['JAN'] = "Jan"; 
$dates['FEB'] = "Feb"; 
$dates['APR'] = "Apr"; 
$dates['APRIL'] = "April"; 
$dates['JUN'] = "Jun"; 
$dates['JUL'] = "Jul"; 
$dates['AUG'] = "Aug"; 
$dates['AUGUST'] = "August"; 
$dates['SEP'] = "Sep"; 
$dates['SEPTEMBER'] = "September"; 
$dates['NOV'] = "Nov"; 
$dates['NOVEMBER'] = "November"; 
$admtext['NSFX'] = "Suffix"; 
$admtext['NAME'] = "Name"; 
$text['letter'] = "Letter"; //as in page size 
$text['legal'] = "Legal"; //as in page size 
$text['friday'] = "Friday"; 
$text['saturday'] = "Saturday"; 

$admtext['RELI'] = "Religion"; 
$admtext['colldisplay']= "Display Title"; 
$admtext['stop'] = "Stop"; 
$admtext['template'] = "Template"; 
$admtext['pedstandard'] = "Standard"; 
$admtext['maphybrid'] = "Hybrid"; 
$admtext['gedcom'] = "GEDCOM"; 
$admtext['version'] = "Version"; 
$admtext['param'] = "Parameter"; 
$admtext['pararead'] = "Parameters read from files"; 
$admtext['name'] = "Name"; 
$admtext['suffix'] = "Suffix"; 
$admtext['lds'] = "LDS"; 
$admtext['export'] = "Export"; 
$admtext['person'] = "Person"; 
$admtext['import'] = "Import"; 
$admtext['status'] = "Status"; 
$admtext['preview'] = "Preview"; 

$text['subject'] = "Subject"; 
$text['person1'] = "Person 1:"; 
$text['person2'] = "Person 2:"; 
$text['pedstandard'] = "Standard"; 
$text['filter'] = "Filter"; 
$text['in'] = "in"; 
$text['iptc103'] = "OTR"; 
$text['iptc025'] = "Keywords"; 
$text['iptc092'] = "Sub-location"; 
$text['iptc015'] = "Category"; 
$text['iptc065'] = "Originating Program"; 
$text['iptc070'] = "Program Version"; 
$text['top'] = "Top"; 
$text['status'] = "Status"; 
$text['suffix'] = "Suffix"; //from getperson 
$text['name'] = "Name"; //from showmap 
$text['text'] = "Text"; //from sources 
$text['extractgedcom'] = "GEDCOM"; 
$text['generation'] = "Generation"; 
$text['link'] = "Link"; 
$text['info'] = "Info"; //this needs to be a very short abbreviation 
$text['fonts'] = "Fonts"; 

Englishes Original - don't touch...


//added in 9.0.0
$text['editprofile'] = "Edit Profile";

//moved here in 9.0.0
$text['letter'] = "Letter";
$text['legal'] = "Legal";
$text['sunday'] = "Sunday";
$text['monday'] = "Monday";
$text['tuesday'] = "Tuesday";
$text['wednesday'] = "Wednesday";
$text['thursday'] = "Thursday";
$text['friday'] = "Friday";
$text['saturday'] = "Saturday";


case gedcom

//added in 9.0.0
$text['subject'] = "Subject";

case getperson

$text['reviewmsg'] = "You have a suggsted change that needs your review. This submission concerns:";
$text['revsubject'] = "Suggested change needs your review";

case reports

$text['missingKey'] = "You must specify a valid key to view events";
//added in 9.0.0
$text['csv'] = "Comma-delimited CSV file";

case showphoto

//added in 9.0.0
$text['iptc025'] = "Keywords";
$text['iptc092'] = "Sub-location";
$text['iptc015'] = "Category";
$text['iptc065'] = "Originating Program";
$text['iptc070'] = "Program Version";

case timeline

//changed in 9.0.0
$text['noliving'] = "The following individual is flagged as  living or private and could not be added because you are not logged in  with proper permissions";


//added in 9.0.0
$text['share'] = "Share";
$text['hide'] = "Hide";
$text['disabled'] = "Your user account has been disabled. Please contact the site administrator for more information.";
$text['contactus_long']  = "If you have any questions or comments about the information on this  site, please <span class=\"emphasis\"><a  href=\"suggest.php\">contact us</a></span>. We look  forward to hearing from you.";
$text['features'] = "Features";
$text['resources'] = "Resources";
$text['latestnews'] = "Latest News";
$text['trees'] = "Trees";
//moved here, changed in 9.0.0
$text['directionsto'] = " to the ";
$text['slidestart'] = "Start Slide Show";
$text['livingnote'] = "At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld.";
$text['livingphoto'] = "At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.";


case people

//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['choosedef'] = "Choose<br/>default<br/>photo";

case photos

//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['collexpas'] = "Export as";

case index

//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['oldimport'] = "Old style import (no progress bar)";

case templates

//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['template'] = "Template";
$admtext['createcopy'] = "Create copy in";
$admtext['featurelinks'] = "Feature links";
$admtext['featurepara'] = "Features paragraph";
$admtext['welcome'] = "Welcome headline";

case setup

//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['places1tree'] = "Assign Place records to Trees";
$admtext['convert'] = "Convert";
$admtext['convexpl'] = "(This will assign all current places to the selected tree)";
$admtext['mergeexpl'] = "(This will remove the tree assignment from all Place records)";
$admtext['nocutoff'] = "Leave blank or set to zero to remove this limit";
$admtext['usesmtp'] = "Use SMTP authentication";
$admtext['mailhost'] = "SMTP host name";
$admtext['mailuser'] = "Mail username";
$admtext['mailpass'] = "Mail password";
$admtext['mailport'] = "Port number";
$admtext['showshare'] = "Show Share Link";
$admtext['defpgsize'] = "Default PDF Page Size";
$admtext['mapterrain'] = "Terrain";
$admtext['maproadmap'] = "Road Map";
$admtext['usedefthumbs'] = "Use default thumbnails";
$admtext['autogeo'] = "Geocode all new places";
$admtext['revmail'] = "Notify on reviewable submissions";
$admtext['assumepriv'] = "Assume private if not dead this many years";
$admtext['calstart'] = "First day of week";
$admtext['edit_timeout'] = "Edit timeout (minutes)";
$admtext['shownamespr'] = "Show Names for Private";
$admtext['tables'] = "Tables";
//changed in 9.0.0
$admtext['mapkey'] = "Enable Maps";

case findplace

//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['geocode'] = "Geocode";
$admtext['ignoreall'] = "Ignore all";
$admtext['usefirst'] = "Use first match";
$admtext['multchoice'] = "If multiple results are found for a place:";
$admtext['geoexpl'] = "Geocode all Places without latitude and longitude coordinates";
$admtext['geocoding'] = "Geocoding...";
$admtext['backgeo'] = "Return to Geocode menu";
$admtext['limit'] = "Limit:";
$admtext['nolimit'] = "No limit";
$admtext['blankplace'] = "Blank place name";
$admtext['nogeocode'] = "Could not be geocoded";
$admtext['toomany'] = "Ignored (too many results)";
$admtext['treesgone'] = "Tree assignments removed from all place records";

case trees

//changed in 9.0.0
$admtext['exppaths'] = "Local paths for";
$admtext['nopdf'] = "Don't allow users to create PDF files";

case users

//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['allow_private'] = "Allow to view information for private individuals";
$admtext['allow_pdf'] = "Allow to download PDFs";
$admtext['disabled'] = "Disabled";
$admtext['allow_profile'] = "Allow to edit user profile";

case timeline

//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['evtitle'] = "Event title";

case mods

//changed in 9.0.0
$admtext['readvals'] = "Restore default parameter values";
$admtext['retstatus'] = "Return to Mod List";
//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['needmodupdate'] = "Mod updates are required";
$admtext['keywordmissing'] = "Keyword is missing. Mod construction error.";
$admtext['cannotinstall'] = "Unable to install this mod";
$admtext['notargetkeyword'] = "Target file is required";
$admtext['emptytarget'] = "Target file is an empty file.";
$admtext['missingtarget'] = "Target file is not installed.";
$admtext['missingfiles'] = "File to be copied is missing from source folder";
$admtext['pararead'] = "Parameters read from files";
$admtext['rewritetarget'] = "Rewrite target file";
$admtext['targetcode'] = "target code is";
$admtext['modtrimrepl'] = "Mod code trimmed and replaced.";
$admtext['cantdelmissing'] = "Cannot delete, file is missing";
$admtext['totcopyfiles'] = "Total files to copy";
$admtext['filescopied'] = "Total files copied";
$admtext['successfully'] = "Successfully";
$admtext['filecreated'] = "Created successfully";


//added in 9.0.0
$admtext['clickresume'] = "click here to resume";
$admtext['copylast'] = "Copy Last";
$admtext['nicbold'] = "Click to Bold";
$admtext['nicitalic'] = "Click to Italic";
$admtext['nicunderline'] = "Click to Underline";
$admtext['niclalign'] = "Left Align";
$admtext['niccalign'] = "Center Align";
$admtext['nicralign'] = "Right Align";
$admtext['nicjalign'] = "Justify Align";
$admtext['nicinsol'] = "Insert Ordered List";
$admtext['nicinsul'] = "Insert Unordered List";
$admtext['nicsub'] = "Click to Subscript";
$admtext['nicsup'] = "Click to Superscript";
$admtext['nicstrike'] = "Click to Strike Through";
$admtext['nicremfmt'] = "Remove Formatting";
$admtext['nicindent'] = "Indent Text";
$admtext['nicremind'] = "Remove Indent";
$admtext['nichr'] = "Horizontal Rule";
$admtext['nicfontsz'] = "Font&nbsp;Size";
$admtext['nicfontfam'] = "Font&nbsp;Family";
$admtext['nicfontfmt'] = "Font&nbsp;Format";
$admtext['niclink'] = "Add Link";
$admtext['nicremlink'] = "Remove Link";
$admtext['nictxtcol'] = "Change Text Color";
$admtext['nicbkgcol'] = "Change Background Color";
$admtext['nicimage'] = "Add Image";
$admtext['change'] = "Change";
$admtext['editwarn']  = "Your lock on this record is about to expire. Save your changes now  to prevent them from being overwritten by another user.";
$admtext['editconflict'] = "Another user is already editing this record. Please try again later.";
$admtext['retry'] = "Try again";
$admtext['notsaved'] = "Changes were not saved. Another user has locked the record.";

//change to $text
$admtext['living'] = "Living";