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Revision as of 11:04, 22 June 2018

Restricted Downloads of Family Group Worksheet are restricted to logged in users. If you do not have a user account on the TNG Wiki use the Request Account link to request a user account Restricted
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Ambox notice.png The Family Group Worksheet is a stand-alone add-on for TNG and is compatible with all recent versions. It consolidates all previous versions of the Family Group Worksheet add-on into a single package.



The Family Group Worksheet provides a form for visitors to enter genealogical information and upload it to the website for inclusion in the family tree. Submitted worksheets are stored in the database. Upon submission an email is sent to the administrator providing a link for reviewing and processing it.

The latest version is highly compact. It degrades well and and can be used with small or handheld devices. It comes with generic styling, but can be easily customized with the included setup script. It is compatible with all TNG versions back to version 8.1.3.

LDS information can be included using the setup screen.

Family Group Worksheet
Summary Form for registered users to upload their related family groups.
Mod Updated 18 Mar 2018
Download link
Download stats View Stats
Author(s) Rick Bisbee
Homepage A Bisbee Family History
Mod Support Support for Family_Group_Worksheet
Contact Developer As above
Latest Mod v12.0.0.40
Min TNG V 8.1.3
Max TNG V 12+
Files modified
Related Mods


Mod Tested With TNG Versions
Ver 1000-1013 1100-1112 1200

*green: compatible   red: not compatible   white: not tested

See Multisite Testbed for information on how this mod is tested and managed.

Languages: Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish.

Revision History

Version Date Changes 22 Jun 2018
  • fixes bug in help file routine that prevented display 7 Jun 2018
  • Fixes fatal error when run under PHP 7.0+ 18 Mar 2018
  • Fixes fatal error generated by the newest versions of MySQL/PHP
  • Fixed code to accommodate TNG v12 updated jQuery library
  • Directly inserted local js functions at bottom of fgw scripts 2 Jun 2018
  • Fixes fatal error generated by the newest versions of MySQL/PHP 20 Nov 2016
  • Fixed CSS borders around input fields
  • Fixed fatal error preventing setup.php from displaying 13 Jun 2016
  • Added missing setup label to language files for option to use FGW captcha 21 Mar 2016
  • minor spelling errors fixed 20 Mar 2016
  • small change to start file to make it compatible with TNGv11.0 15 Nov 2015
  • adds link to Worksheet Management panel to view submitted data in plain text for copy & paste to desktop programs.
  • fixes minor errors in language files. 25 Sep 2015
  • makes the fgw caption optional for those who might not have the GD image package installed
  • removes bad file name from log view script 24 Sep 2015
  • fixes errors when creating or removing fgw forms table 19 Sep 2015
  • fixes error in generating worksheets for children
  • fixes help screen crashes on some installations
  • internationalizes some hard coded phrases
  • updates Dutch language files and adds a help file
  • adds Italian language support -- needs to be tweaked 14 Sep 2015
  • fixes bug introduced in last version where config files in TNG root could not be accessed. No, Really! It's fixed. 14 Sep 2015
  • fixes bug preventing create/remove table ops
  • refactors TNG compatibility interface
  • fixes minor style issues 12 Sep 2015
  • fixes child worksheet propagation
  • fixes admin recognition problem with older versions of TNG
  • fixes jQuery conflict with litbox
  • fixes minor translation errors
  • fixes minor styling errors
  • enhances functionality of worksheet ops
  • shortens title to accommodate TNG templates
  • adds title to form
  • reorders location of parents relative to spouse
  • enlarges input fields 9 Sep 2015
  • adds simple captcha to worksheet 6 Sep 2015 Initial release for this version of a compact Family Group Worksheet.
  • usable with small devices
  • more styling options
  • ajax family updates eliminate leaving page
  • no changes to data table
  • backward compatible with previous versions of TNG and Family Group Worksheet

Screen Shots

The following shows how the form will appear with no language or styling customizations. It is perfectly usable out of the box.

Large screen


Small screen


Download Package

The zipped download package contains a single folder -- 'fgw'. Traditionally it has been placed in its own 'fgw' folder, but works just as well in the TNG root directory or elsewhere.


If you have a previous version installed as a mod please use TNG Mod Manager to remove it.

A previous version installed as an add-on can be left in place if you want. You can install this one in a different location for comparison, as each will work independently of the other. This add-on uses the same forms table created by previous versions.

Removing the fgw folder uninstalls it from your system. Before removing it, you can use the setup page to remove (drop) the worksheets table. Do not remove the table if you are simply upgrading FGW.

After placing the fgw folder on your site, navigate to ... fgw/setup.php, create the data table if this is your first installation, then set and save your preferences. To display a blank worksheet, navigate* to the fgw folder using just the fgw folder name or fgw/index.php.

The term 'Navigate' just means to type the complete path (URL) to the folder or file into the browser's address bar and hitting Enter. For example,

 *replace "example.com" with your own domain name

Of course, you will have to provide a link for visitors to access a worksheet, either on your home page or in one of your drop down menus.

Linking to the Worksheet

There are many locations on a TNG website where a link to the Family Group Worksheet may be placed. Because of the variety and modifications to TNG sites, it cannot be automated, but you can do it yourself. Refer to Add Links to TNG if you are not sure how to do it.

Setting Functional and Styling Preferences

The setup page is where you specify the worksheet's behavior and colors. To get there use your browser to navigate to the fgw folder and the setup.php script. For example, if your website were named myfamily.com, your TNG root is in a folder named genealogy, and you've put fgw in the TNG extensions folder you would type the following into your browser's address bar and hit Enter:


This is what you should see in your browser:



You can experiment by changing the colors in each category and see which elements on the form are affected. Blue, yellow, red and green work well. If you get completely off track, hit the "Restore Defaults" button at the bottom of the setup page to start over again. A fast way to do your testing is to edit user_config.php directly and look at the resulting form.

Colors are expressed either as predefined HTML colors -- red, blue, green -- or as CSS entities such as #990000 (shade of red). If you are not familiar with them, spend a few minutes with Google and research them.

Border styles are in standard CSS format: 1px solid red. To not show a border, set the 1 to 0, meaning that it will have no pixel width and therefore will not be visible.

Family Group Worksheet Options
Option Type What it does
Worksheet table Text This is the name you chose when you created a database table to store your worksheets. If you haven't yet created a table, it is the name that will be used.
Allow editors to manage worksheets Checkbox Normally only the admin has access to manage submitted worksheets. Checking this box allows anyone with editing privilege to manage them.
Display form only to logged in users Checkbox Checking this restricts access to logged in users. Unchecking it will make it available to all members of the general public, including spammers, to fill them out and submit them.
Always hide LDS events Checkbox If checked, LDS events will not be shown on the worksheet.
Trees Text Only trees listed will be allowed; if none are listed, all trees are permitted.
Bold data and labels Checkbox Checking this will make labels and data bold to better distinguish them against certain backgrounds.
Form heading color Text If a color is given it will override the template's page title color.
Form subheading color Text Choose the color for subheadings (e.g., Husband) on the form. If empty the template's default color is used.
Form background color Text Enter a color to change the worksheet's background color.
Form background image Text If you prefer, you can use an image as background.
Form border style Text Set/Change the style of the form's border. For example,1px dotted blue
Form label color Text Change the color of the Form's label text
Form text color Text Change the style of informational text on the form
Husband background color Text Add contrasting color background for the husband
Husband background image Text Use background image for the husband's section
Wife background color Text Add contrasting color background for the wife
Wife background image Text Use background image for the wife's section
Cell heading text color Text Color of the text in the field name label above formatted input field cells.
Cell heading background color Text Background for the field name label above each input field cell.
Cell border style Text Sets the style of the border around each formatted input cell
Input field background color Text Sets the background color of all text input fields
Input field text color Text Sets the text color for all text input
Notify message color Text Sets text color for notifications
Error message color Text Sets text color for error messages
Maximum user log lines Text Limits the size of the user log file
Alternate site email address Text Sets custom "From" email address for worksheet notifications to user
Alternate site/admin name Text Sets custom "From" name for worksheet notifications to user

Worksheet Management Panel


The administrator only needs the worksheet ID number (not the random key) to access it. The URL is fgw/fgw.php?id=6 to retrieve worksheet number 6. If you enter fgw/fgw.php?id=index, a page listing all the worksheets will be displayed, each accessible via a clickable link. The URL for the list can be turned into a browser bookmark or, better yet, a link on one of your TNG drop down menus that is only visible if logged in as an administrator.

Anytime the site administrator views a submitted worksheet, it will have a worksheet management panel at the top showing the worksheet number and status: whether its data has been merge into the website and/or if it has been closed. A worksheet does not need to be closed, but if it is, the submitter will no longer have access to it even with the proper key.

Underneath the title is a link to view the submitted data in plain text allowing the administrator to copy and paste it into a desktop program.

The administrator or any editor, if that option is set, can change the status by checking the appropriate boxes and clicking the Update button below it. Family or husband and wife ID's are filled in from the submitted form. If persons or a family ID are not entered, the administrator can provide them after creating new TNG records. The advantage of coming back and saving them here is that worksheets can be searched by those ID numbers where it says "Get different worksheet."

You may search by worksheet id number, familyID or personID. The ID numbers must be correctly prefixed so the system will know what you are looking for; worksheet numbers do not have a prefix. If you hit the Find ID button without anything in the ID field, you will be taken to the list of worksheets to select one.

The final set of inputs are for navigating from worksheet to worksheet. This may be helpful if you are reviewing a series of sheets submitted together. The Navigation Filter can be set to limit the pool. For instance, if "pending" is selected, only a worksheet that has neither been merged nor closed will be returned when Next or Prev is pushed.

Invite Family Participation

You can invite someone to submit their family information using the Family Group Worksheet.

  1. First, start with a new worksheet and pre-fill information you already have. Add something (anything) to the Notes area and submit it to yourself.
  2. When the form comes back with the admin panel at the top, remove the material you added to the Notes (if you want) and save it again.
  3. Go to your email inbox, open the submittal message and copy the link with the access key to the clipboard.
  4. Compose an email to your family member requesting them to add their information and paste the access link into it.
  5. Send the email and wait for the invited member to click on the link, add information and submit it. Those using a link containing the access key do not have to be registered on your website to access the worksheet and submit it.

URL and Links

There are a number of URL you will need to access your Family Group Worksheet and supporting scripts. Construction of a URL depends on the location of the target within your website, and TNG installations can vary considerably. For purposes of illustration we will assume a TNG installation in the document root (public_html) of your site. In other words, your document root and TNG root are in the same location. Your main TNG installation is reached with a URL similar to this:


That brings up your home page because when a filename is not provided, index.php will be assumed.

Your What's New page is reached like this:


Lets assume you have installed the fgw folder in your TNG root. Therefore, the URL everyone will require to reach it can be any one of the following:

1. http://www.example.com/fgw
2. http://www.example.com/fgw/index.php
3. http://www.example.com/fgw/fgw.php

The main program script is fgw.php. Referring to the above:

  1. works because it invokes index.php which redirects to fgw.php
  2. works because index.php redirects to fgw.php
  3. works because fgw.php is the main Family Group Worksheet program script.

Turning A URL Into A Link

A URL works in your browser's address bar. But, to provide links on your home page or in a menu you will first need to create them. Fortunately it is very simple. The HTML code pattern is:

<a href="URL">LinkName</a>

<a> is a link tag that contains the URL to the target and text for the normally underlined link. Clicking on it takes the visitor to the target page.

So the link for your Family Group Worksheet might look like this:

<a href="http://www.example.com/fgw/fgw.php">Submit Family</a>

It would result in a link that looks like this: Submit Family

Required Links

Following are examples of links you may require to fully use Family Group Worksheets:

<a href="http://www.example.com/fgw">Worksheet<a>
<a href="http://www.example.com/fgw/setup.php>FGW Setup</a>
<a href="http://www.example.com/fgw.php?id=index">List of Worksheets</a>

The last two would only be available to the site administrator. You could actually store the URL in your browser's bookmarks, since nobody but you will be using them.


Because of the amount of translated text and for ease of maintenance, Family Group Worksheet uses its own separate language files in Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish.

Family Group Worksheet languages are all located in the fgw folder and do not need to be copied to the TNG languages folders. Many of them were translated, at least in part, using Google Translate by a person who does not necessarily understand them. Any improvement would be much appreciated. Send me your text files and I will incorporate them.

At the moment the only help files we have are in English. If help is not found in other languages, Family Group Worksheet defaults to an English version. As with the language files, your contribution of a help file in another supported languages will be appreciated and incorporated.


Family Group Worksheet was written by William Bisbee, Oct 2011 with invaluable contributions from:

Roger Mitchell, http://mfo.me.uk (Mitchell Family Online);

Douglas Couch, http://www.adkinshorton.net (Adkins - Horton Genealogy)

Graham Chamberlain, Chamberlain and Eidenbenz Genealogy -- provisional French, German and Spanish translations

Joop Giesendanner, http://www.oudheidkamer.info/genealogie/ (Oudheidkamer Oostzaan) -- Dutch translations

Bryan S. Larson, Our Family Histories -- addition of LDS fields

and the members of tngusers2


There is no warranty. Use the script at your own risk. It has been tested in all the TNG template styles without any particular problems.

TNG Sites using this mod

If you download and install this mod, please add your TNG site to the table below so we will know if it is worth maintaining.

URL User Note TNG-Version Mod-Version User-language
Chamberlain & Eidenbenz Genealogy Graham Chamberlain Public site v12.0.0 v12.0.0.36 EN, ES, NL, FR, DE
British 1820 Settlers to South Africa Paul Tanner-Tremaine Public site v10.1.1 v10.1.1.30 EN
Van den Heuvel wereldwijd Marco van den Heuvel Public site v10.1.1 v10.1.1.26a EN, DU, GE, FR
Bisbee Family Connection Rick Bisbee Mod Developer v10.1.2 v10.1.1.22 English
Brady Family Tree in Western Australia Darryl Brady Public site v10.1.1 v10.1.1.33 EN, DE
Hooley Family Links Rick Hooley Public Site (User: guest, Password: guest) v11.1.2 - Public v12.0.0 - Test v10.1.1.39 v12.0.0.37 EN
Wortelboer Genealogy Bernard Wortelboer Public Site v10.1.3 v10.1.1.30 NL, EN
Wyman Genealogy John Wyman Public Site v11.0.0 v10.1.1.32 EN
Mitchell Families Online Roger Mitchell As usual from Rick, a very professional and useful add-on! v10.1.2 v10.1.1.24 EN, SP, NL, D, SW
Gittens One-name Study Cliff Gittens This is a very handy add-on. v10.1.2 v10.1.1.24 EN
Our Family History Tor Lund Public site 11.1 NO, DK, EN, DE, FR
Kemp(e) Family History Andrew Kemp Very professional and useful add-on! see User:Kempons see User:Kempons EN
MOTYER Family Genealogy John Mark Motyer Public site see here see here EN, DE, RU
The Zausmer Forest Joyaa Antares Private Site v10.1.3 v10.1.1.33 EN
the Runkle project Steve Pritt Public Site v11.0.2 v10.1.1.33 EN
Bumbery-Wangler Bob Bumbery Public Site v11.1.2 v10.1.1.34 English
Our Family History John Hendee Public Site v12.0 v12.0.0.36 English
Nordic Ancestry Mogens C. Fenger Private Site v12.0.1 v12.0.0.36 DA, EN