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This info box may be added by pasting the TNGmod template as shown below into an article.

| mod_name        =
| mod_summary     =
| mod_validation  = 
| mod_last_update = 
| download_link   =
| download_stats  =
| mod_author      =
| mod_url         =
| mod_support     =
| mod_contact     =
| mod_version     =
| min_TNG_ver     =
| max_TNG_ver     =
| TNG_file_list   =
| related_mods    =
| notes           =


Parameter Explanation
mod_name Insert name of the modification.
mod_summary Brief summary of what the mod does.
mod_validation This mod is XHTML compliant.Valid-xhtml10.png
mod_last_update This is the date of the last mod update
download_link Link to download the most recent version of the mod
download_stats This should be a link to the Click Counter II, Click Counter III or your own download statistics installed on your own web site. For an example, see Backup / Restore Living Flag
mod_author Name of the modification author(s).
mod_url URL of the modification homepage.
mod_support Contact information or URL for modification support.
mod_contact Contact information or URL for contacting the mod developer.
mod_version Current version of the modification when this article was last updated.
min_TNG_ver Minimum version of TNG that the modification is known to work with.
max_TNG_ver Maximum version of TNG that the modification is known to work with.
TNG_file_list List of files changed by this modification.
related_mods List of other TNG modifications related to this modification.
notes Any additional notes or relevant information regarding the modification.